List of Ultraman Tiga monsters

This is a list of monsters in the Ultraman Tiga series.




Like Golza, Melba is an ancient kaiju prophesied to return. In the mid 1990s Melba returned once more, along with Golza. The winged kaiju was first spotted on Easter Island, emerging from the ground. It then took to the air, heading for the Tiga Pyramid of Light in Japan. There, the two monsters proceeded to destroy the large Ultraman statues. Before the final one could be destroyed, it turned in Ultraman Tiga, thanks to a human named Daigo. Golza and Melba teamed up on the ancient warrior, but their effort was futile. Golza fled underground after being tossed aside by Ultraman Tiga, leaving Melba on the receiving end of Tiga's Ranbalt Light Bomb, which destroyed him in an instant.

Gakuma (Female)

Hiding underground, Gakuma would attack anything that came too close by turning it into stone. After many workers were reported missing, GUTS was called in to investigate. They brought Gutswing 1 and 2 to attack they monster when it finally showed itself. Gakuma turned anything it could find into stone, until Gutswing 1 began to attack it with its cannons. Gakuma reared up and managed to knock Gutswing 1 out of the air. While Munakata and Rena tried to escape, Gutswing 2 came to the rescue, hitting Gakuma with its new DEXUS Beam. The monster fell to ground, and exploded, ending its attack for good.

Gakuma (Male)

After the death of the first Gakuma, the members of GUTS were very pleased with their victory. But to their dismay, another, stronger Gakuma appeared from underground, knocking the Gutswing to the side. The members of GUTS ran for cover, but it wasn't long before Daigo used the Spark Lance and turned into Ultraman Tiga. A long and brutal batle followed, with Tiga switching to Power Type to fend off the beast. Tiga managed to destroy Gakuma's head horns, and then used the Delacium Light Stream to blow him to bits, ening the Gakuma threat once and for all.


Kyrieloid was the result of one of the Kilialiens exposing himself to their energy blasts from below ground. He quickly attacked Tiga and the two seemed evenly matched till he sent the hero flying through a building with a kick but as he rose they fought again and Tiga returned the favor with a should toss. Move for move the two fought evenly. Finally, Tiga transformed to Sky Type. While Kyrieloid’s speed was impressive, Tiga’s was greater and he began gaining the upper hand with a barrage of kicks until he received a blast of Kyrieloid’s Creptic Ray and Kyrieloid began gaining the advantage. Kyrieloid kept his assault up, throwing Tiga through a building as his color timer began flashing. But GUTS and Iruma called support to Tiga, giving him new strength. The hero dodged a Creptic Ray and froze the demonic warrior solid before switching back to Multi Type and blowing Kyrieloid to pieces with his Zepellion Ray. But while the first Kyrieloid was destroyed, the Kilialiens were far from done.


When an unknown alien force merged with the Jupiter 3 spacecraft and its crew, it created a powerful, biomechanical space monster known as Ligatron. As Daigo was on a standard patrol in his GUTS Wing, a large object appeared on radar. Ligatron fell from the heavens, crashing full speed into the ocean near an energy plant. Unharmed, Ligatron erupted from the waves and attacked. The rest of the team in the GUTS Wing 2 arrived to back up Daigo and fire on the monster but he paid no heed and tore through the complex with his arm blades, then drove his claws into an energy storage area, draining its power. An electrical field was raised around him but he merely hacked the system with his head orb and shut it down, locking them out. As GUTS tried to attack, Ligatron turned on his jets and took off back towards outer space, having finished feeding. As the monster was in orbit around Earth, the astronauts that had been merged with it appeared before their loved ones. GUTS came to the conclusion Ligatron must be related to the missing spacecraft in some way. They received a message from one of the captive astronauts, revealing how Ligatron was really the space shuttle and the three crewmembers were trapped inside its mind. Now knowing the truth about their enemy, GUTS tried to develop a plan to stop Ligatron but also save the three humans trapped deep inside the biomechanical terror. But they did not have long to plan, as Ligatron was sighted returning to Earth, attacking another electrical plant in search of more energy. GUTS launched into action and attacked Ligatron but the beast refused to pay their lasers mind as he continued on path to his feeding. But Daigo’s missiles finally got its attention. Fed up with their interrupting his meal, Ligatron fired back with his claw beam, downing Daigo. Daigo saw no choice and transformed into Ultraman Tiga to combat the creature. The monster’s thick armor protected it from Tiga’s attacks and it fought back fiercely, wrapping its claws around his neck and throwing him then using his orb flash to blast Tiga. The hero chose to switch to Power Type and with his superior strength, Tiga managed to hurt the space monster but was shot off by its jets. He then tried the Delacium Light Stream but missed, grazing its shoulder. Firing back with its claw beam, Ligatron got the opportunity to fight back with its claws. Soon, Tiga’s timer began to blink and the monster drove its claws into Tiga’s sides and began draining his energy. However, memories of the astronauts were triggered and they began fighting against the beast from within, causing Ligatron to malfunction and sparks to fly from its body. Finally, the human spirits broke free and escaped Ligatron in three spheres of light. Stunned, Ligatron was defenseless as Tiga switched back to Omni Mode and fired the Zepellion Beam, obliterating the space monster in a huge explosion. Following Ligatron’s destruction, the three spirits of the astronauts formed three stars in space.


A strange sea monster, Sealizar apparently died of toxic causes and then washed ashore on a Japanese beach. The monster’s seemingly dead corpse was rotting and its horrid odor was making it unbearable for people to use the beach at all. Being the team assigned to deal with kaiju, GUTS was left to find a way to dispose of the decomposing monster, deciding to use their ships to move it and then dispose of it elsewhere. Grappling hooks were driven into its flesh and then the ship proceeded to lift the body into the air but the cables tore free, splattering globs of decomposing goop all over the area. The impact also had the effect of reviving life into the undead kaiju, who promptly headed towards a nearby city. Now against something they knew how to deal with, GUTS attacked and fired missiles but Sealizar’s body simply absorbed them himself, leaving him unharmed. Since the monster is immune to missiles, GUTS is left to choose other means of killing the undead Sealizar before he reaches the city. As the zombie monster continues his approach, GUTS sets a trap to trap the kaiju in a heat ray, hoping to burn it to death and while it seems to work, beginning to melt his flesh, the missiles he absorbed fall out and engulf him in a huge explosion but he merely regenerates from the damage. Another plan, using an oil tank from the city, is put into effect as Sealizar continues his approach. He’s lured into a trap and blasted with lasers this time, trying to keep him in one place while the plan was set. Finally, the oil container was dropped into position but Sealizar revealed another ability, a long extending neck and bit down on the cable, capturing the oil contained. Daigo chose to transform into Tiga and cut the cable to free Rena’s GUTS Wing from the monster. Sealizar chose to absorb the oil canister and charged Tiga, beginning to fight. Tiga threw a barrage of punches and kicks, even threw the monster overhead but Sealizar just kept getting up. Finally, Tiga’s foot gut stuck in its body, allowing Sealizar to blast Tiga in the face with his poison gas. Now with the upper hand, Sealizar pummeled Tiga and tried to absorb him into his body but Tiga blasted himself free and fired the Zepellion Ray but Sealizar simply absorbed the attack. However as Sealizar charged, the absorbed beam blew up the oil tank inside him and the resulting explosion vaporized Sealizar, killing him permanently.


Gazoto was the second space monster to make himself known to the Earth after Ligatron and far more deadly. After awakening from his hibernation, Gazoto descended on the Earth, shrouded in a bizarre storm. The brutal space demon had only one thing on his mind, to consume as much human flesh as he could before he had to go back into hibernation. His storm attracted the attention of a weather research plane, which came to examine it, only to fall victim to the man-eating space monster’s hunger. GUYS heard tell of this and sent Daigo in a GUTS Wing to check it out and he went into the storm, but began to lose contact. Fearing their friend was in danger, the rest of GUTS set out in the GUTS Wing 2 in order to find out what happened. Meanwhile, the cloud continued to move into Japan, disrupting GUTS’ computers. A bio-scan of the cloud revealed a massive living creature, as well as a strange noise. Gazoto finally decided to become active in his hunting, crashing his cloud into the ground and causing huge explosions. Gazoto emerged from the impact crater, roaring aloud, ready to feed. GUTS was quick to descend on the monster but their weapons were powerless against the carnivorous space creature. However, they discovered Daigo had survived both Gazoto and the impact, left unconscious in his GUTS Wing. However, they had no choice but to focus on Gazoto as he began attacking the city, hungry for human blood. Meanwhile, Horii had an idea, try to communicate with Gazoto somehow and set about trying to construct a device to do just that. Meanwhile, the predator continued his warpath, chasing down victims and attempting to eat them whole, only to once again be interrupted by GUTS. Tired of them interrupting his dining, Gazoto returned fire, shooting them down. Meanwhile, Horii finished his translator and tried to talk to the space monster, but while from the GUTS headquarters they could talk to Gazoto, they were too far to talk back. Horii decided that he must get closer to be able to do so and received authorization to do so. He rushed into the field and confronted the brutal space monster as it was feeding on humans. The device was a success and he managed to speak to Gazoto, starting a conversation with it but only to discover Gazoto was a monster in the purest sense of the word. Tired of talking, Gazoto made his intentions to eat the GUTS member known and tried to do so, only for the rest of the group to keep Gazoto occupied known. As the monster prepared to kill him, Daigo awakened and became Tiga to confront the man-eater. While able to take Gazoto by surprise, the monster quickly fought back, proving to be a powerful enemy. While Tiga managed to seemingly kill Gazoto, the monster was merely playing dead and as he turned to leave, bit down on his shoulder and did what no other monster had thus far, make Ultraman Tiga bleed light. The monster now had the upper hand on the hero of light, even with GUTS’ help. Tiga tried to flee in Speed mode but the space monster followed after him, intent on finishing what it started, firing Plasma Bomb after Plasma Bomb at the hero. While Tiga dodged and healed his wounds, he couldn’t shake Gazoto or regain the offensive. The two charged one another, their energy attacks colliding in the huge explosion, causing Gazoto to loose track of the hero and allowing Tiga to fly up and use an energized punch to knock him to the ground. Tiga landed and finally got the chance to fire the Ranbalt Light Bomb as Gazoto tried to charge all his energy into one last attack. Tiga’s attack struck first, finally bringing down the terrible space monster. However, Gazoto had one last trick, upon his destruction, thousands of Baby Gazotos ascended from where their father was destroyed and flew into space. After barely destroying one Gazoto, Ultraman Tiga and GUTS were now left with the prospect of an entire invasion of such monsters.

Alien Regulan


Giranbo was an ancient evil, each year, she would ascend from her dimension on Halloween Night, disguised as a human in a witch costume. She would go into town and hand out seemingly innocent lollipops, but in fact, these would allow them to control the children's minds to lure them to her lair, where she'd devour their dreams, then leave them in the 'Dream Graveyard'. One year, she appeared in a small town in Japan, but GUTS detected the magnetic field given off by her entering this dimmension. Rena was given one of the witch's lollipops but Daigo noticed something was wrong with the witch and chased her into her own dimension. However, he was soon captured by the evil entity, his gun and the Spark Lens stolen from him. After explaining what she did, Giranbo tried to gas Daigo to death as she continued her evil work. Meanwhile, Rena began sleepwalking from the witch's spell but was stopped by her team mates. She revealed what had happened, giving the team the knowledge they needed to track down the Halloween demon as her lair entered this dimension to accept her new stock of food. However, before all the children could be taken, GUTS opened fire on the witch, breaking her spell. Undeterred, Giranbo caused her lair to head back to her home universe. It seemed the evil witch would escape, but suddenly, her lair stopped sinking into its home dimension. Daigo had managed to escape the death trap and reclaim the Spark Lens, transforming into the mighty Ultraman Tiga. As Tiga pulled her lair back from its dimension, the enraged Giranbo transformed to her real self to take her revenge. The beast was a good hand to hand combatant as well, able to match the giant of light in combat as few had so far. However, the witch soon decided to pull out all of her tricks, using her teleportation to trick the hero and attack from his blind spots. She then created an army of clones and assaulted the Earth's guardian from all directions. Soon, Tiga's timer began flashing under the demon's assault but the hero refused to give up and used his Timer Flash to disperse the copies. Now revealed, Giranbo was beaten down and thrown high into the air. Moments later, Tiga used the Zepellion Beam to put an end to the Halloween nightmare once and for all.


A strange monster from outer space, Makeena’s signal to descend to Earth was the opening of a strange object unearthed from underground. A mysterious woman dressed in black played a sound with a whistle around her neck, causing it to shake, then her to faint. Examining the capsule discovered it was made of an extremely strong metal of unknown origin. The young woman was visited by Daigo and Rena in the hospital to see what was wrong but she refused to reply much at all. Later that night, she once again played her whistle before the object, causing it to open up and fire a beam into space. Horii watched this occurrence and moments later, Makeena entered Earth’s atmosphere and their estimates told them it’d land in Tokyo. Makeena made landfall and quickly opened up his shell and marched through the city, tearing it apart. GUTS quickly attacked but the creature utilized his thick shell to protect him from their weapons, even reflecting the lasers back at them. Realizing they couldn’t hope to scratch Makeena, GUTS held back, only to soon see Makeena enclose himself in his shell and fall asleep at sunset. The next day, Makeena awakened to find himself surrounded and attacked by surprise, causing him to fall to the ground but he quickly stood up and now used his shell to protect himself. Meanwhile, a scan of the necklace the girl wear showed up all over the world at different time periods, dating back to ancient times. Meanwhile, Makeena began crying out and the girl arrived, playing her flute as she approached. Makeena suddenly became placid and calm, seeming happy to see her. However, as she approached, the military took aim at her, misunderstanding the situation. Makeena was attacked again while Daigo transformed into Tiga, this time to protect the girl, saving her life. Believing her to be in danger, Makeena attacked the hero and as he tried to fight back, ended up hurting himself on its thick shell. The creature enclosed himself in his shell and flew around, bashing the hero to the ground repeatedly. Tiga turned to Power Type and threw him away, but as he charged the Delacium Light Stream, the girl ran in the way and explained that Makeena hadn’t meant any harm, he’d merely come to take her back to their home, something she‘d been waiting quite some time for. At her plea, Makeena instantly calmed down and waited for her to finish thanking Tiga for his help. She then turned into a ball of light and went into Makeena’s hands, who took off with her into space, never to be seen again.


Gagi was an ancient and powerful monster who suddenly emerged from the ground in the middle of a theme park on a seemingly ordinary day. At first only his horn broke the surface, gaining the attention of two boys. They slowly approached the horn, examining it. Suddenly, the horn glowed and the ground shook, forming an energy dome over the entire park, which turned invisible, sealing the inside of the park from the outside like a solid wall, trapping all inside. A crowd gathered around the horn, including a GUTS member. Suddenly, the horn sunk back underground and a tentacle shot out of the hole, trying to drag a boy into it, the GUTS member tried to help, only for another such tentacle to knock him to the ground, allowing the boy to be dragged underground. The member of GUTS quickly phoned for help, tipping GUTS off to the situation. However, soon the tentacles began sucking more children beneath the ground. A sonic wave scanner detected a large object below the ground. Soon, the terrible Gagi erupted from under the ground himself. GUTS arrived and opened fire but couldn’t penetrate the behemoth’s energy shield, leaving those inside still trapped. As their teammate inside tried to save those on a Farris Wheel, GUTS searched for a way to stop the monster when they couldn’t pierce its shield. The member inside the shield managed to lure the monster into chasing him to keep it from killing those on the Farris Wheel. Then a boy he’d befriended took a bumper car and used it to distract Gagi, keeping the monster occupied to protect the others in its trap. Meanwhile, GUTS returned to assault the deadly monster, this time using a specially designed weapon to shatter its energy shield but even then, their weapons did little damage, only able to knock it down due to taking it by surprise. It lashed out with its whips, damaging Daigo’s GUTS Wing. It then tried to assault the team member and boy that had provoked it so, managing to corner them. Seeing this, Daigo used the Spark Lens to bring Tiga’s power to bare. Tiga assaulted Gagi quickly but the monster proved a dangerous fighter with a great defensive ability. Gagi launched Tiga into a roller coaster and then tied him up with his whips, throwing him around but Tiga switched to Power Mode, breaking free, tearing Gagi‘s tentacles in half. Its tentacles useless, Gagi retracted them into his wrist and continued fighting. Even in Power Mode, the creature was able to keep up with Tiga, forcing him back with his tail then horn lighting, causing his timer to blink. However, Tiga continued to fight and shattered Gagi’s horn. As Gagi roared out in pain and rage, Tiga fired the Delacium Light Stream. The blast of energy struck Gagi in the chest and with one last roar, Gagi fell backwards, dying in a huge fireball on impact. After the battle, all his captives were found cocooned in webbing, frightened but unharmed.


Originally a man named Yososuke, a best friend of GUTS member Horii, Evolu was a powerful and destructive kaiju created when the man touched a strange meteor, his cells becoming energized, causing him to mutate into Evolu at random times. One night, he obliterated a lighthouse near a resort, attracting GUTS to investigate. Horii is dispatched to investigate but while he finds nothing on the monster, he does find Yososuke. The two begin talking and suddenly, Yososuke appears to experience severe pain. As he tries to help him, Yososuke runs off and goes into his room while Horii continues looking around. Later that night, Yososuke is transformed against his will into Evolu, who goes on a rampage through the resort. Seeing this, Horii called in the rest of GUTS to try to stop the monster. Horii realizes that the monster may escape before they arrive, so he launches a transmitter into it. GUTS arrives to attack him but Evolu vanishes in a pillar of green lightning. The next day, he follows the transmitter to discover it leads to Yososuke. Confused, the GUTS member is unsure of what it means. When the others arrive, Horii doesn’t tell them, still unsure if his best friend could be related to the creature. Daigo follows him and he reveals his suspensions but makes Daigo promise not to tell anyone. Horii tries to find Yososuke to get to the bottom of it. Daigo does research to discover Yososuke had been carrying out cruel experiments on animals. Meanwhile in the middle of talking to a friend on the beach, experiences another attack or pain. Horii confronts him only for Yososuke to begin transforming into Evolu right in front of him. Horii offers the man help but he runs off and throws Horii away before mutating into Evolu. The monster quickly goes on a rampage through the resort and GUYS arrives to attack him. Horii tells the rest of GUYS that Evolu is in fact a man but to save lives, he has no choice but to fire on the beast, only for it to attack him. GUTS tries to stop the monster, only for them to be shot down by the Evolu Lightning. Daigo finally calls Ultraman Tiga into the fight but the monster proves strong and blasts him back with his lightning then attacking relentlessly with its claws, throwing him with one hand. As Tiga began gaining the upper hand, Evolu unleashes its whip and wraps it around Tiga’s throat, shocking him with energy, causing his timer to blink. Tiga managed to throw Evolu but the monster blasts him repeatedly with its lightning. Tiga tries to use the Zepellion Beam but doesn’t have the energy remaining to fire the attack. As Evolu charges for one last blast of Evolu Lightning, his cells are exhausted of the energy from his near constant use of it and Evolu reverts back to Yososuke, leaving the man laying dead on the beach. While the terror of Evolu was over, experiments with his cells would create the monster Metamorga later on.


One normal day, Rena was out visiting a dolphin exhibit with enthusiasm for the creatures. However, the day would soon turn into chaos as an oil plant in the middle of the ocean was suddenly attacked by the monster Leilons, who proceed to destroy everything in his sights. GUTS was soon dispatched to take care of the beast, but before they could do much damage to the monster Leilons sunk into the sea and disappeared leaving GUTS to try to put out the flames that were caused by Leilons’s attack on the oil rig. The next day, Leilons resurfaced in the middle of the ocean leaving GUTS to try to fight back again, but once again before much harm could be inflicted, Leilons dove back into the sea retreating from GUTS’s attack. The day after that, Leilons returned again, but this time GUTS tried bombing the monster rather than using laser like before and that did do some damage, but now it just made Leilons angry, as he dove back into the ocean yet again. Suddenly just as GUTS landed from the attack, Leilons rose up from underground and attacked, this time on the surface of earth, attacking an energy plant. After noticing what was happening, Daigo quickly transformed into Ultraman Tiga and the two fought. However, Leilons proved to be a tough opponent as his hide was tough enough to resist most of Tiga’s punches and not only that but his trickery involving his water stream to annoy and distract Tiga. Ultraman Tiga transformed into his Power Mode, but all the same Leilons continued using his trickery to his advantage involving his Water Stream and now his Power Rays to put Tiga out on a limb all the while Leilons was cackling madly with humor. Once he had an opening, Ultraman Tiga threatened to use his Delacium Light Stream to finish off Leilons in one blast, but Leilons deceived Tiga by pretending to cry only to trick him into walking into his Thunder Bubbles attack. Tiga, having enough of this and with his color timer starting to blink then used his Miracle Balloon Beam incasing Leilons inside of a gigantic bubble. Then cracking his knuckles with vengeful intentions, Tiga walked forward and punched the giant bubble sending Leilons flying! Finally, Tiga was able to use the Delacium Light Stream to reduce Leilons into a droplet of water than fell into the ocean never to be seen again.

Alien Raybeak

Alien Raybeak Leader

Alien Muzan

Gazoto II

After the demise of the first Gazoto, a swarm of Baby Gazotos which ascended into outer space from his corpse, leaving GUTS with the ominous possibility that an invasion of the powerful space predators wouldn’t be far behind. It was weeks later before the swarm of infant kaiju would make themselves known again, led by one of their fully grown siblings. Another ominous cloud descended on the Earth, quickly engulfing a jetliner, the tiny beasts inside hungry for human flesh. Finally, Gazoto II left the cloud, leaving his infant brothers to feed as GUTS attacked the beast. Remembering the battle with the first Gazoto, GUTS knew they couldn’t take any risks with the second space monster. This time, Gazoto II headed straight for a new solar power plant, if he succeeded in destroying it, it could destroy the entire city as a result. However, unlike his father, Gazoto II had a specific purpose in mind and paid GUTS attacks no heed at all as he advanced on the plant, Gazoto II wasn’t intent to simply feed, he wanted to cause as much destruction as possible to avenge his father. The monster finally landed near the plant, but saw a woman, the sister of Shinjoh whose boyfriend died in the Gazotos attack on the jetliner, who’d run out of gas. He attempted to kill her to further his onslaught on humanity but when GUTS arrived, he was quick to turn his attention towards his father’s murderers, but they had an energy shield to block his Plasma Bombs. Seeing this, he immediately stopped firing and turned his attention to the nearby city until they began active in their attack with a weapon designed to destroy him. A man on a motorcycle rode up to help and was given the weapon, luring the attention of the destructive titan, and it worked, the monster following instantly. Daigo got the monster’s attention and it began shooting its Plasma Bombs at him. To buy time, Daigo transformed into Tiga to battle the monster, who proved much stronger than the original and out for his destruction. Gazoto II attacked Tiga with brutality, power, and cunning the first couldn’t match and even taking direct hits from Tiga’s energy blasts without any damage. Gazoto II bombarded Tiga with his Plasma Bombs until the hero’s color timer blinked and he switched to Power. Tiga managed to catch Gazoto II’s Plasma Bomb and threw it back after charging it with his energy. Gazoto II tried to dodge by jumping but the attack redirected and struck him in the chest, obliterating Gazoto II in an enormous explosion. Following the battle, it was discovered the motorcyclist was no other than the one killed by the Gazoto, having returned to help bring down his murder.

Sakuna Oni

Sakuna Oni was an ancient demon swordsman that tormented ancient Japan until his reign of terror was put to an end by a legendary, monster slaying samurai. The warrior finally put the demon down and dismembered his body into six pieces, sealing the demonic warrior below Sakuna Mountain with his sword and a statue. It would be several centuries before the world would lay eyes on the SakunaOni again, when a group of thieves broke into the shrine that held the objects keeping the oni sealed beneath the Earth. Later that night, after the holy relics were removed, Sakuna Oni’s fist erupted from the side of a mountain, a man walking along knowing the legend and quickly alerting GUTS to the awakening demon in hopes of stopping Sakuna Oni before his dismembered body could reassemble itself. Meanwhile, the spirit of the samurai possessed one of the thieves and slew one of the others with his ancient sword, prepared to once again defeat his archenemy once again. As GUTS examined the shrine, Sakuna Oni’s dismembered body parts began tearing themselves free from the mountain, preparing to reassemble the demon samurai. Daigo soon found the samurai, who teamed up with him to try to stop Sakuna Oni from fully reviving by destroying his head before it awakened. Sakuna Oni’s spirit confronted them, mocking them and telling them they couldn’t stop him from awakening. His dismembered limbs receded back into the mountain, where they combined back together to resurrect the demon! Sakuna Oni quickly attacked GUTS with his Nitro Beam, but they managed to evade his fire and return fire, but didn’t even hurt him. The demon quickly used his second face to blind and nearly down Rita but she managed to keep her GUTS Wing in the air. The samurai told Daigo that it was his turn to face the demon and he transformed into Ultraman Tiga. Tiga quickly attacked the demon, who fought back with martial arts but was flipped overhead but landed on his feet and fired with his Nitro Beam. While Tiga managed to get behind him and attack, the demon warrior’s second face blasted him with his white smoke, stunning him long enough for Sakuna Oni to plunge his fist into the mountain and unsheathe his ancient blade. Sakuna Oni quickly attacked Tiga with the blade but Tiga managed to fight back, forcing the oni to play dirty. He put his sword behind his back, then took Tiga off guard by driving the hilt into his gut before tripping him with the sword. Tiga could barely stay out of the way of the blade and Sakuna Oni began to beat down Tiga with martial arts and the hilt of his sword. But as Sakuna-Oni charged in for the finishing blow, Tiga used the Cutter Beam and caught the oni’s sword. The Cutter Beam had sliced through Sakuna Oni’s sword and neck so quickly that the demon had appeared unharmed until his sword fell in half and then his head toppled from his shoulders. The oni’s body dissolved into flames but the monster’s head suddenly launched from the ground and sank his teeth into Tiga’s shoulder, biting so hard that Tiga’s color timer started blinking and he couldn’t remove the demon. But as Sakuna Oni’s victory seemed at hand, his ancient enemy, the samurai, sent his katana flying through the air and into the oni’s head. Sakunai Oni bellowed in pain as the holy energies contained in the blade surged through his head, obliterating the demon and ending his reign of terror once and for all. Following the fight, the samurai could finally rest in peace, granting his title as guardian of Japan to Ultraman Tiga.

Alien Standel Abolvas

Alien Standel Redol

Fire Golza

Gobunyu (Vaha)

Gobunyu (Giga)

Gobunyu (Ogma)




Weaponizer #1

Weaponizer #2


Kyrieloid II

A stronger version of the first Kyrieloid, it so powerfully that not only can it bring the gate to Hell to Earth it also defeated Tiga in a battle. But with the help of Captain Megumi Iruma, Rena Yanase and the people of Earth, it was defeated by Tiga


Gagi II

Finding himself trapped in the Rainbow Underworld, Gagi II attacked the family that had wandered into the realm, seeking to steal Silvergon’s prey from him. However, Silvergon himself arrived to take what belonged to him, smashing through Gagi II’s shield like it was nothing. The titan tore off Gagi II’s whips, then in a sadistic display, pummeled its opponent with them. GUTS could only watch as Silvergon crushed Gagi II’s throat with his powerful jaws, killing a monster that Ultraman Tiga had trouble with.



Alien Natern

King Molerat







Alien Manon




Bakugon was a strange entity from the world of dreams, resembling a surreal mix of various objects and creatures. The beast itself appeared in town but it was as if it was only a mirage, see through, and sure enough, when GUTS arrived to attack the monster, their weapons passed straight through it, doing damage to the city but no harm to monster itself. As suddenly as the odd creature appeared, it vanished into thin air. It seemed to have strange effects on one man in particular, a struggling architect, causing him to create strange designs and consult someone on his dreams, even drawing a sketch of the beast but he could find nothing that put his mind at ease, in fact, it disturbed him even further. He tried various methods to help with what he perceived as persistent nightmares, from music to burning incense, nothing seemed to aid the man in his suffering at the demon's hands. Once again, Bakugon appeared in town, taking no pains to hide its identity, this time appearing somewhat more solid than before, even causing true damage to the city but once again, GUTS weapons passed right true and it returned fire with a swirling yellow energy ray from its maw. Seeing normal weapons as useless, Daigo called upon Ultraman Tiga, but like with GUTS' attacks, the hero's attempts to fight the dream demon was met with utter failure as his assaults merely passed straight through Bakugon, doing no harm at all until the beast finally vanished once again. The man saw the creature in a newspaper the next morning and recognized it as the very beast haunting his nightmares. Strangely enough, Bakugon was also tormenting the very person that had turned down the man's work, and enraged who him. Finally, Bakugon returned a third time to the world of man, this time no longer transparent, seemingly fully solid, but yet, the weapons of GUTS once more went straight through the bazare monster with no damage. Realizing something, Diago let himself fall asleep and within his dreams, transformed into Ultraman Tiga, this time joining the monster in its realm and allowing him to actuelly fight it. Despite now being able to harm the dream demon, the monster proved a tough enemy and surprisingly powerful. Tiga tried his Timer Flash, but it did nothing to damage the demon. The man who was dreaming of the monster was awakened and arrested, having been tracked by wavelengths given off by the monster. With his awakening, the special brainwave he emitted was soon unable to be emitted, ending Bakugon.

Alien Ildo

As GUTS talked to a group of TPC members in space, something went terribly wrong and the ship lost contact, then fell into the atmosphere, crashing to the ground. When GUTS arrived, a strange being ran out of the undergrowth, Alien Ildo. Seeing it as a threat, they shot and seemingly killed it. They soon boarded the ship, finding one of their friends wounded. Soon, a ship landed in the middle of the day, more from the same species that GUTS had just attacked, but coming with a message of peace for the human race. They examined the alien they had to shoot, finding a communicator on it, discovering it was somehow the other member of the space crew and that one of the creatures had attacked them. Thankfully, they managed to electrocute and drive the beast into space but both were wounded, one of them transforming into the creature GUTS had killed. Realizing the Ildos were far from what they appeared, GUTS evacuated the city but a group of people refused, wanting to meet the ‘friendly’ aliens. But at gun point the sole survivor of the spaceship crash forced them to turn around. But suddenly, the man collapsed to his knees and began speaking strange, examining his wound, Shinjoh discovered the awful truth, the man was transforming into an Alien Ildo as well. The man decided that if he was dying, he’d take the Alien Ildo with him and ran towards the base. An x-ray of the building revealed a giant brain and soon, the ship began snatching people up with long energy tentacles. Shinjoh and the doomed man helped save the people in the area and one of the GUTS Wings opened fire on the ship but it shot him down. As they ran, the duo ran into an Alien Ildo. She demanded they hand over the people and Shinjoh shot her in the chest as she tried to launch her tentacle, killing her. Shinjoh was then grabbed by the mother ship as even more Alien Ildo appeared. The rest of GUTS arrived on the scene to launch the attack on the mother ship. The mother ship couldn’t survive the assault and was critically damaged. Realizing they could no longer easily capture humans, the Alien Ildo merged together to form one giant alien and decided to attack. Daigo quickly transformed into Ultraman Tiga and assaulted the villain, beating him down and blasting him but when the mother ship began to activate, Tiga was distracted, letting the alien gain the upper hand. The giant brain inside the machine began to activate but the infected man told Shinjoh what to do using the knowledge gained from the infection, telling them to all say the same thing at the same time. Meanwhile, Tiga was being beaten down by the giant Ildos but Shinjoh and GUTS destroyed the giant brain. This distracted Ildos Seijin, giving the opportunity for Tiga to unleash the Zepellion Beam and blow the invader to pieces. Shinjoh managed to get an antidote for the man and cured him of the infection, ending the threat of the Alien Ildo invasion.


When Yazuma won a trip to a large gaming center, Rena came along but they stumbled on something sinister. Rena was captured by a hologram of Daigo while Yazuma was attacked by an old enemy, Alien Muzan. After a short firefight, he was wounded but managed to seemingly kill the alien. Meanwhile, computers and cell phones throughout the city began malfunctioning. However, in another room, a boy played a game as Alien Muzan and got a game over. Undeterred, the boy selected Alien Reibeak to continue playing. Instantly, Reibeak appeared to attack Yazuma but he was rescued by mysterious woman. As his wounds were tended to, Reibeak attacked again but luckily, he managed to kill the creature. The two continued to search through the area, trying to discover exactly what was going on and split up. Yazuma discovered Rena trapped in some kind of box. Confronted by the man in charge, he was dropped into a virtual world where an army of UFOs attacked him. When GUTS arrived to examine the disturbance, they were suddenly interrupted by illusions as well, but contact with them was like hitting solid objects. Yazuma managed to destroy all the UFOS but was then dropped into battle with an army of Faivas Robots. Thankfully, Yazuma’s GUTS training let him make short work of them and he was finally confronted by the entity again who distorted, morphing into something else but a single shot seemed to destroy the strange creature, only to be attacked by the girl from before. Meanwhile, outside the entire building was revealed to be another illusion and shattered before GUTS’ eyes. The entity confronted him and explained the entire place was one of its illusions. Meanwhile, the entity took over one of GUTS’ satellites and tried to destroy them with it, revealing this intent. The two talked, the monster having truly grown to enjoy the man‘s company but Yazuma prepared to attack it to protect Rena, driving the entity berserk. The woman revealed itself as a gigantic machine, Faivas. GUTS, having already arrived, prepared to attack Faivas’ virtual world and attacked the giant, only to learn there were a great number of humans inside. Daigo, seeing no choice, transformed into Ultraman Tiga to fight Faivas. At first, it seemed the digital demon was no match for Tiga but the machine analyzed him, developing a fighting style to counter his exactly. The tide turned instantly and the monster began beating Tiga down and soon Earth’s guardian found himself near defeat, color timer blinking. Thankfully, Yazuma hacked Faivas, causing the machine to freeze up. Remembering how kind it had been to him, he tried to reason with it but it refused and broke free, charging Tiga. With no choice, Tiga fired the Zepellion Beam, vaporizing Faivas. But as it was destroyed, Faivas gave Yazuma a final message, saying goodbye as the entire structure dissolved into nothing.

Faivas Robot

After defeating an army of UFOS, Yazuma was confronted with an army of these machines. Despite numbers and firepower, the machines proved little match for the trained GUTS member, who destroyed them in rapid pace with his side arm. But soon a far larger one was summoned in front of him but in a few moments, it too was destroyed.


A creation of the obsessed Keigo Masaki, Geoshark’s sole purpose was to lure Ultraman Tiga into his master’s trap. Keigo unleashed his monster on the city, the titanic cyborg tore through the earth, using his massive dorsal fin to smash through objects on the surface as GUTS arrived to try to stop its rampage through Kunamoto. The monsters presence seemed to have a strange effect on the Spark Lens in Daigo’s possession, causing it to glow. As the beast waited stationary, GUTS managed to tag his dorsal fin so they could track him moments before he disappeared underground. Back at Keigo’s laboratory, his scientist analyzed data collected through Geoshark and other ways. GUTS soon started tracking the subterranean beast to a remote area. Once again, Daigo’s Spark Lens acted up, Keigo using it to project an image of himself, nearly causing Daigo to crash. Now knowing the identity of Ultraman Tiga, Keigo unleashed his manmade monstrosity once more on a nearby resort. Geoshark tore through the Earth, heading straight for an amusement park. As the park was evacuated, it seemed not everyone would escape before Geoshark arrived, in fact there were still people stuck on the Ferris Wheel. GUTS tried to halt Geoshark’s advance but since only his dorsal fin was above the ground, it was near impossible to harm him. Realizing normal weapons couldn’t stop Geoshark, Daigo transformed into Ultraman Tiga but his Omni Form was merely thrown aside, so he switched to power and finally managed to pull the monster out of the ground and threw him. Geoshark, now with Tiga in sight, prepared for battle, ramming him to the ground with his drill nose. GUTS tried to help Tiga and the hero began getting the upper hand on the monster, holding Geoshark and allowing GUTS to blast open its head, revealing it was a cyborg. Tiga tore off one of Geoshark’s fins, revealing more circuitry. As Tiga prepared to destroy Geoshark with the Delacium Light Stream, Keigo appeared through Geoshark’s eye and distracted him, allowing his pet to blast the hero to the ground with its beam. As Geoshark leapt in for the kill, Tiga fired the Delacium Light Stream, this time straight down the land shark’s throat. Geoshark was engulfed in a huge blast and reduced to bits of blazing flesh and metal. Despite his destruction, Geoshark had served his purpose well, revealing the human form of Ultraman Tiga to Keigo and weakening him. After Daigo transformed back, Keigo beat the exhausted hero and stole the Spark Lens, soon giving rise to something far worse than Geoshark, Evil Tiga.

Evil Tiga

Originally a businessman named Keigo Masaki, Evil Tiga was spawned when the man's obsession with becoming a giant of light like Daigo drove him to steal the Spark Lens after Ultraman Tiga barely defeated Geo Shark and hook it up to his own machine which converted him into light. This, along with being a descendent from the same ancient race as Daigo, allowed him to fuse with an Ultraman statue he could find in Kumamoto and soon become Ultraman as well. At first everything seemed fine until Evil Tiga went on a rampage on the people of Kunamoto with GUTS barely able to fight back. A stray dog managed to fuse with a guardian monster named Gardi and challenged Evil Tiga to stop the destruction only for the wicked Ultra to easily defeat him. Daigo soon managed to reclaim the Spark Lens from the machine and transform to confront Evil Tiga, only to witness that Gardi be killed in cold blood. Enraged, Tiga begins a bitter battle with Evil Tiga to the death. The two of them fight to a stalemate until in a lucky blow, Tiga manages to wound Evil Tiga. As the evil Ultra tries to rise, Tiga took no mercy with Evil Tiga's color timer going off and unleashed the Zepellion Beam, vaporizing the giant of darkness.


A faithful creature to the giants of light, Gardi was in statue form much like Ultraman Tiga and Evil Tiga. Once Evil Tiga was awakened, a stray dog presumably of the same inheritance as Daigo and somehow managed to fuse with Gardi. Seeing Evil Tiga rampage through Kunamoto Gardi attacked only to be easily defeated by him and soon died. After being defeated by Tiga, Gardi's was carried into the sky by the hero.


Gijera was an ancient, evil monster and one of the servants of Gatanazoa himself. A UFO began to appear in the area where the minion of the dark ruler threatened to rise again. When GUTS tried to scan for energy readings, their scan lead to a strange flower and when Daigo got near, he had a vision of cities burning with plants overgrowing them. Meanwhile, in the depths of the forest, deep underground, Gijera commanded its flowers to emit their yellow pollen, causing Rena and the other member their to behave strangely. Daigo went back to base with them, a sample of the plant, and a strange girl he’d found wondering the woods. Something in her speech reminded Daigo of the prophecy that had been given from the ancient race. As they worked to try to work it out, more of Gijera’s plants began releasing their pollen all over the city. Deep within the Earth, Gijera continued to infect everyone coming in contact with its spores. In fact, only Daigo and the young girl appeared immune. The girl suddenly collapsed in front of Daigo and another man suddenly appeared. He learns that this man is an alien and the girl is his daughter. The man reveals that the appearance of Gijera was the beginning of the end for the ancient race from which Daigo descended, as it could very well be for mankind. Its only because of his bond to Tiga that Daigo is immune to Gijera’s pollen and is the only chance mankind has of survival as Gijera matures and grows into a towering monster. The two leave Daigo to do what he will with Gijera. Meanwhile those who Gijera has infected begin to call out his name but those at GUTS try to fight his power and help Daigo stop Gijera. As he walks to see what to do, Daigo realizes how Gijera would destroy mankind, seeing people begin fighting over the flowers, doing anything to obtain them. Refusing to allow this to happen, Daigo transforms into Ultraman Tiga and confronts the destructive plants at its source. While at first Gijera doesn’t react, when Tiga strikes it, it begins to fight back with its vines. Gijera uproots itself and begins fighting with full furry and its numerous limbs seem too much for Ultraman Tiga. Still the warrior of light fights on as the two aliens watch on. Gijera blooms and blasts Tiga with its toxic pollen then wraps him in its vines, shocking him. With everyone under Gijera’s power, Tiga seems unable to win until GUTS arrives and frees him with their lasers, allowing him to fire the Zepellion Ray into the monster’s flower. The plant spots pollen and explodes but its core is still underground and could survive. Tiga grabs one of its vines as it tries to retreat and sends a powerful pulse of energy into its core, killing it and breaking its grip on mankind.

Taraban Infant

A snail-like alien monster, the infant Taraban came to Earth within a meteorite one night and landed in the ocean but as a man tried to take a picture of it the next day. When he raised his camera, the creature disappeared. And no one, not even GUTS, believed his story. The next day he stood watch to try to take a picture of the creature again as many ridiculed him. He saw its eyes sticking out of the ground but when he tried to take a picture, stop signs took their place. GUTS examined the area but found nothing at first. However back at their base, they detected a strange sound like that of a train whistle but no train was present at the time. Several members where dispatched, soon Daigo and Rena found the man’s son being bullied for what had happened with his father. Deciding to help him, the two walked him home to see his father, who was enraged to see them, as they hadn’t believed him before. But they soon told him they wanted a drawing of the creature and he drew what he had seen and he did. As they analyzed the sound back at base, they realized it was similar to a train whistle and that there was in fact a train station nearby. Analyzing picture they had of space, they discovered the eyes of a huge creature, identical to what the man had drawn. Meanwhile, as the boy slept, Taraban slept next to him. When the train whistle sounded, it awakened the creature, and frightened the boy, who it chased to his father. GUTS soon arrived and shot the creature but it vanished, then reappeared nearby, firing its beam at a house, dissolve into nothing. Daigo shot it, causing it to vanish and melt into the ground to protect itself. Using a train whistle, the group lured the creature in close. As it fired on Daigo’s car, the man transformed into Ultraman Tiga to fight but was thrown off. The after trying to blast Tiga with its beam, the creature tried to fly away, only to be knocked out of the sky. As Tiga approached, it managed to blast him with its beam, then bite down on his neck. GUTS blasted the creature off of him and he gained the upper hand. Meanwhile, GUTS discovered that a sound from outer space identical to its cry was very much like a train whistle. The creature never meant any harm, it just mistook the train whistle for his mother’s call. After calming it down with a train whistle, Tiga was told the truth and managed to get the creature to hold still. Tiga used his powers to keep the train whistle blowing and flew into space with it, luring the baby behind him. Along the way, they met the creature’s mother. Happy to see his mother, the baby Taraban flew to her and both soon disappeared into the void of space.

Taraban Adult

After discovering the Taraban they were dealing with was only an infant, Tiga lured it back into space, where he encountered the adult one. The mother kaiju came out of camouflage to see her offspring and as the tow were reunited, the mother Taraban realized that Tiga was the one who returned her baby and gave the hero a grateful nod which he returned before vanishing into space with her offspring.


Alien Menjyura

The Alien Menjyura began their invasion by infiltrating the moon base, but captain Hayata assaulted the base to stop the attack, causing great damage. However, one of the aliens captured him and went to Earth in his place, leaving him cocooned onboard. Captain Iruma wishes to go to the moon base and search for what happened but the TPC refuses to allow it. GUTS, however, gives her their support and they all fly into space to investigate. Meanwhile, the Menjyura from the moon base attacks and captures a TPC officer in webbing, he is then replaced by another Alien Menjyura. Using him, they try to stop GUTS from interfering in their business. Back in the Hayata’s room, she find the officer cocooned in the closet. Daigo discovers the same thing in an abandon fighter in space and is attacked by an Alien Menjyura but kills it. Iruma is captured by the strange monsters as well. Meanwhile, Daigo and the man, the real captain Hayata, return to Earth, Daigo learning the Alien Menjyura, shape shifting aliens, were behind the moon base attack. Iruma is replaced by the Alien Menjyura but Daigo and Rena return with the real Hayata, who knows Iruma is not who she appears and pulls a gun on her, but GUTS doesn’t realize it until he shoots ‘her’ revealing her to be a Menjyura. Daigo is knocked unconscious by the Menjyura but as the aliens attempt escape, he recovers and transforms into Ultraman Tiga, Hayata and GUTS joining in the chase in GUTS Wings. Tiga shoots down the craft but the Alien Menjyura combine to form a monster sized twin-headed Menjyura.

As Ultraman Tiga shot the Alien Menjyura down, they merged together to form their monster form. The newly formed alien quickly shot the Ultraman out of the sky with their energy blasts but the monster beat him away and shocked him, then pummeled him with energy blasts, only for Hayata to assault them again and managed to blast their middle section away. But even separated, the two monsters proved tough. Tiga destroyed one of their chest spears while Hayata avoided the plasma stream of the other one. Tiga fought on with his opponent but it proved a strong physical opponent and began gaining the upper hand. Tiga finally managed to gain the upper hand on the alien with his fighting skill and bashed it around, then kicked it high into the air while Hayata caused the other to stagger backwards, causing them to collide and get stuck on their back spikes. Hayata fired his GUTS Wing’s main cannon while Tiga unleashed the Zepellion Beam. The twin attacks were far too much for the aliens to survive and they were vaporized completely, ending their bid to take over the Earth.

Alien Charijya



When Gijura appeared, it was the first sign of Gatanozoa’s reawakening and while Tiga successfully struck the ancient beast down, Daigo continued to suffer awful nightmares of the visions he would received from the encounter with the evil plant and Gijura’s brother in destruction. Zoyger would soon awakened elsewhere in the world, digging free from his ancient tomb not long after ancient ruins were uncovered at the sea floor, ruins of one of the ancient cities. As the submarine examined the ruins, it was destroyed by the deadly monster. The super ancient monster was quick to erupt from the depths and descend on Sydney, Australia, obliterating buildings with his fireballs. As the creature’s path of destruction continued, GUTS arrived to attack, chasing the airborne abomination with their GUTS Wings but it proved extremely fast and agile, dodging their attacks with ease. Rena chased the monster high into the air, pushing her craft’s limits and soon, Zoyger turned and fired, Rena dodged but Daigo was hit, forcing him to eject. GUTS continued tracking the ancient evil as meanwhile back at their base, Iruma received a grave warning, the Ruler of Darkness was rising once more. GUTS lost track of Zoyger and was forced to return to base. Later, Zoyger reappeared and GUTS engaged him yet again as the ancient city was examined once more. Rena, using a new rocket, pursued Zoyger, managing to match his speed but her firepower couldn’t take him down. As they chased the kaiju high above the clouds, Daigo revealed the truth about himself, that he was Ultraman Tiga, to Rena, and transformed to challenge Ultraman’s ancient enemy, turning to speed form to continue the chase, allowing her to shoot Zoyger’s wing off and send it plummeting to the ground. Zoyger struck hard but his hide withstood the crash and he survived. Rising to the ground, he opened fire on the newly landed Tiga. Knowing it was of no use, Zoyger grabbed its remaining wing and wrenched it, finally tearing its own wing off. Throwing it down, the monster charged Tiga and jumped over him, assaulting him with blow after blow. He finally began choking the hero till his timer started flashing, only for him to transform into Power Mode and throw Zoyger overhead. Tiga then leapt forwards and brought a hard kick down on Zoyger’s skull. Following up with a barrage of kicks, Tiga sent the monster flying backwards with a powerful front kick. Zoyger fired two energy balls at Tiga but the hero caught them and threw them right back. With Zoyger stunned, Tiga charged the Delacium Light Stream and unleashed it straight into Zoyger’s chest, killing him. But alas, Zoyger was only a taste of what was about to happen, as Daigo got a message saying that more Zoyger had appeared, in fact, an entire army of winged fiends had appeared all over the world to herald the return of their master, Gatanozoa. As their master rose from his ancient slumber, the Zoyger unleashed their destructive power on the cities of mankind, destroying all in their path. Having barely destroyed one Zoyger, GUTS had no idea how to deal with an entire army attacking major cities all over the Earth. The TPC tried their hardest to stop the demons but their power was no match for the ancient evils. When GUTS attacked their master, a Zoyger was summoned to protect Gatanozoa but against the experienced fighters of GUTS and Hayata, the beast was shot down and killed. Soon, Gatanozoa was challenged and killed by Glitter Tiga, and the Zoygers’ reign of terror brought to a screeching halt, ether vanishing completely or going back into their slumber.


Centuries ago, a great civilization lived on Earth, protected by an army of giants, the Ultramen. But an unspeakable evil rose up, the Ruler of Darkness, Gatanozoa. With his followers, Gijura and the Zoyger, he annihilated the ancient civilization, turning all the giants of light to stone. Gatanozoa and his minions, ether because there was nothing more to destroy or because of exhaustion from the assault and battle, fell into hibernation for eons. Finally, in modern times Gijura awakened to prepare the world for Gatanozoa’s reemergence but before his mission could be completed, Ultraman Tiga destroyed the evil plant. Then the first Zoyger awakened but likewise, he too fell before the Ultra warrior’s might. Thankfully for the evil one, he had hundreds more of the vile creatures at his call and things would only worsen as the Ruler himself awakened from his hibernation, a plague of darkness spreading around the world. Finally, the sunken city he slept in rose from the depths of the sea as thousands of Zoyger began an all out onslaught on mankind. TPC forces all over the world tried their best against the kaiju, only to fail, the darkness of the tyrant spreading and invading the GUTS base itself and nothing could stop it, forcing GUTS to consider abandoning their base as the darkness killed soldiers. People gathered in bunkers as the dark one’s Zoyger tore cities apart before their might, many believing it was the end of the world. Finally, from the darkest depths of the ocean, Gatanozoa himself rose, ready to ravage the world again as he had in ages long past. Before they could continue watching the monster, his Darkness began piercing into GUTS’ holdout. Daigo finally decided that it was time for light to rise to challenge the darkness, revealing to their commander his identity as Ultraman Tiga. Drawing the Spark Lens, Daigo transformed and flew off into the darkness to do battle with the very being that defeated the Ultras centuries ago and GUTS escaped their base. Tiga finally confronted the ancient evil and fought valiantly against the tyrant but his attacks were unable to pierce the Ruler of Darkness’ armor and its numerous tentacles were a handful to fight. But Tiga fought on against the ancient behemoth as GUTS broadcast his fight around the world, knowing Tiga could grow stronger from those who believed in him. As children around the world cheered his name, Tiga transformed to Power mode and tore off one of the tyrants tentacles but there were too many. Tiga fired the Delacium Light Stream but the Gatanozoa’s armor shrugged off the powerful assault. Tiga tried a variant of the Zepellion Beam from Power Mode but even that didn’t phase the tyrant. Tiga’s timer began to flash as he drove fist after fist into Gatanozoa. Alas, not enough people believed Tiga could win and his strength wasn’t enough. He was grabbed by the Ruler of Darkness’ claw and tentacles, allowing Gatanozoa to fire his Stone Beam. As Tiga tried to rise again, the beam took effect, turning the Earth’s last hope to stone. Gatanazoa used his tentacles to throw the statue into the depths of the sea. Roaring in victory, Gatanozoa prepared to smite the world once again as he had in ages long past with nothing standing in his way. Even with the defeat of the hero, the children of the world still refused to completely give up hope in Ultraman Tiga, believing he would still somehow be victorious and light would triumph over the darkness. GUTS rushed to find a way to let this happen, their friend Hayata from the moon base coming to Earth to help. Knowing he was one of the few that may know how to resurrect Ultraman Tiga. The former Evil Tiga, Keigo Masaki, was even asked for his aid. Together, they formulated a plan, while GUTS attacked Gatanozoa to keep him busy, Keigo would work on a way to revive Tiga. But as GUTS attacked the tyrant, he summoned one of his Zoyger to deal with them. However, Gatanozoa underestimated their abilities and the flying fiend was shot down and slain. Meanwhile, Keigo fired a powerful beam of light into Ultraman Tiga’s stone form but Gatanozoa saw this and tried to stop them from reviving his enemy. While he succeeded in stopping them from being successful, Keigo’s gambit had awakened Daigo, allowing him to see the children who refused to give up hope all cry out Tiga’s name and their light of hope surged forth, collecting in Ultraman Tiga’s color timer. Their support gave Daigo the strength to break free and their light transformed him into the mighty Glitter Tiga. Gatanozoa prepared himself for battle but the tide of battle had been reversed completely and Gatanozoa was the one who was completely helpless before the combined light of Ultraman Tiga and all the children of the world. The ancient demon’s day of reckoning had finally come. With a single blast of light, what had once been an immovable object was sent flying backwards and two more blasts were soon thrown into the tyrant. Tiga, along with all the children, did the Zepellion Beam set up and the super charged beam was launched. Gatanozoa’s once impenetrable armor buckled from the impact, causing the ancient evil to roar out in agony as a hole was blasted in him but still he refused to die. Glitter Tiga summoned his energy to his color timer and blasted Gatanozoa with a massive beam of rainbow colored energy (The Timer Flash) that even he could not withstand. At long last, Ultraman Tiga had overthrown and completely obliterated the Ruler of Darkness, avenging his ancient ancestors and all those the vile behemoth had destroyed.